Thursday, January 16, 2020

How to Make a Colloidal Silver Generator

The color of your batches may vary from time to time. Sometimes it might be a pale yellow, other times a gray or darker yellow. There are no benefits for darker or longer "cooked" silver water as the finer, and more effective, nano particles are in the lighter colors. Many years ago, before the advent of colloidal silver, conventional medical doctors would use silver nitrate, a solution of silver metal dissolved into suspension by nitric acid.

make nano silver at home

When you are done, clean the oxidized wire with a rough cloth or soda, and store all the pieces in a zip-lock bag until next time. You don't need a box for the apparatus or soldering anything. Twist the wires and cover with electric tape. Just connect your batteries in series to get 27 Volt. Duncan Cary Palmeris the inventor and creator of theSILVERengines proton.

thoughts on “How to Make a Colloidal Silver Generator”

And always use dark glass to store it, keeping it out of the light. I don't use saline anymore, and for the last few years I use a computer adapter instead of batteries, like Techie88310 suggests in his post. If you don't have silver wire, bullion silver 99.9 can be used, held in the water with alligator clips. Just make sure that only the silver is in the water, and the clips are well OUT of it.

make nano silver at home

By contrast, the nano-silver making process in theSILVERengines proton, managed by a tiny computer, always gives you a positive indication of when your silver solution is ready. The trick to making effective colloidal silver is to minimize the number of free silver ions present in the colloid mix. As will the voltage and current available for the process. With a good lab supply instead of daisy chained batteries, you can adjust the voltage to get higher currents, and speed up the process and the concentration. Neither companies nor individuals can make unsubstantiated medical claims about a product without sufficient testing and approval by the FDA. The lack of human testing as well as the numerous variables in the processing and composition of colloidal silver make it difficult to patent or get approved by the FDA.

Notes on using Canadian Maple Silver Dollars to make Colloidal Silver:

As many bacteria become increasingly resistant to conventional antibiotics, the benefits of silver are being researched because silver is not a ‘normal’ antibiotic. Silver in the form of nanoparticles is the most effective because the particles are small enough to pass through the outer cell membranes and disrupt the cell’s functioning. AIDs researchers are studying how nano silver particles can prevent the HIV virus from binding to host cells.

make nano silver at home

If you want your unit to have more power, you can use six batteries joined in this fashion. Wherever you buy yours, make sure it is nothing less than 9999 pure silver. Be CAREFUL and GENTLE as all water, glass and pot will be very hot. SLOWLY pour distilled water SLOWLY, into your THICK glass .

What is Colloidal Silver?

Again, I was unable to find any studies indicating effectiveness of colloidal silver, other than in laboratory testing. This testing does seem to support the claims that colloidal silver has antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties. Recent research does seem to be much more supportive of colloidal silver for health reasons, including potential breast cancer treatment. If your water doesn't seem to be charging, make sure your batteries are fully charged and that the clips are correctly attached to the electrical wires, the cathode/anodes, and silver wires. Also, silver residue may accumulate in dark gray and black spider-looking strands on the silver wires; this is ok--just make sure you filter the water prior to storing.

Silver has been long known to be effective against bacteria. Mud makers universally suffer from silver oxide build-up on the rods, but theSILVERengines proton periodically reverses the flow of current between the rods. This results in a natural electrical “stirring” of the solution and minimizes the amount of rod cleaning necessary between uses to simply wiping with a clean piece of paper towel.

Colloidal silver also seems to work a little differently depending on what it is up against . Secure the silver wires and clips with electrical tape to steady the silver wires so that they do not touch sides or bottom of the glass or each other. You may also affix tape to the glass and bridge to make sure the bridge stays secure.

make nano silver at home

The information on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. Content may not be reproduced in any form. The results was not a single organism tested was able to withstand silver.

What If I Just Want to Buy Colloidal Silver?

The constant aeration prevents excessive electrolysis build up in the liquid colloid. With a conventional colloidal generator, the electrical conductivity of the entire colloidal copper suspension increases dramatically over time as more conductive copper ionicparticles enter the water. In turn, this increased electrical conductivity causes additional silver particles to be drawn from the positive copper electrode at a faster rate and at a significantly larger size. The continual aeration of the water prevents electrical "bridging" which occurs between the positive and negative silver electrodes.

make nano silver at home

The waveform used and the reversing of polarity automatically cleans the silver rods. The largest particles fall to the bottom and the end result is the best quality nano colloidal silver. NOTHING sold to a home user is even close to the quality of the Spooky2 generated nano colloidal silver. There is one virus, the Epstein Barr Virus, that affects 90 to 95% of people and I suspect is responsible for autoimmune problems, cancer, and low energy levels. The most effective treatment is nano size silver. Depending on the amount of Epstein Barr Virus in your body, the dosage variation is quite wide, from 1 tablespoon to 1 glass of nano silver at average parts per million 7 to 12.

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